I like to make portraits. This weblog presents the photographic and painted portraits of me as subject. I am the creator of this space - but I have out-sourced the art-making. I act as curator. The people providing images form a community of people that I would like to, or have already, painted. Selfish Portrait provides common ground with me at the centre. In creating a portrait of me - these artists are creating a portrait of themselves.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

BAN Platford

BAN Platford was a Cotswolds based artist who painted mainly landscapes.  This water-colour portrait of Caroline Jaine was made in the 1970's.  Platford was born in Great Yarmouth in 1923 and died in 2002.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Amin Tejani

Amin Tejani is a British born artist of Indian origin, who was raised in Texas, USA.  Amin features in "Getting There" - an adventure story about migrant journeys.  His vibrant paintings can be seen on his website (which he needs to update to include more recent works!)